AWAKENING The Woman Within


3 Month Private 1:1 Coaching

If You're Struggling To Find Balance In Your Life While Dealing With Menopause And Caring For Your Elderly Parent, Then Join Me In Regaining Control In Your Life and Enjoy A Newfound Zest.

When it comes to awakening the  woman within..."it's all about remembering who you used to be...chic"


Do you ever feel like, "I can't do this," "I'm so tired," and "What's wrong with me?" Maybe you feel anxious, guilty and down with no explanation to why. And the bouts of depression for no reason - it's a heavy weight that you're tired of carrying alone. It sounds like you've been feeling pretty worn out lately. No matter how much rest you get, it doesn't seem to make a difference. That feeling of wanting structure but not being able to achieve that balance can be really tough - totally understandable!

Believe it or not, you CAN manage those frustrating menopause symptoms while caring for your aging parent without dealing with disruptive hot-flashes every day. Imagine sleeping better at night, so that when morning rolls around you're feeling refreshed and energized! Don't you just want to take a deep breath and know that finally all the exhaustion is gone, balance has been restored in your life, and no more pesky hot flashes? Life can be back on your terms again! :)  

- 'but better', that special "je ne sais quoi". 

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‘AWAKENING-The Woman Within’?


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CURATED life that lights you up. 


CREATE elegant rituals that you'll love


EXPERIENCE cooking gourmet & eating as a pleasure.

Right Now, You Are...


...YOU'VE TRIED Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) taking a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones in order to reduce your symptoms even though the risk of blood clots, stroke and breast cancer scare you. 

…YOU'VE TRIED countless natural remedies, read self-help books, herbal supplements, and meditation but the problem persists plus you aren't 100% sure of it's efficacy. 

...YOU'VE tried to put on a brave face eating salads, but deep down, you're feeling overwhelmed and exasperated. Constantly juggling responsibilities and feel as though you're not doing anything right. Tired, irritable, and simply want to give up.

...YOUR filled your doctor prescribed medication of antidepressants that you were told would help your mood changes, anxiety or other psychological symptoms that's a rather new experience for you.

There’s GOT to be a better way to reduce your hot-flashes, manage your menopause, and balance your caregiver burnout so you can get back to feeling like you again! 

Self-Care Luxury

Right Now You Want:


  • A map to navigate the chaos of menopause and regain control over your symptoms, because time and money wasted is the last thing you can afford!
  • A to-do list that doesn't overflowing, between work, aging parents, family, and leaving you little time to care of yourself, feels like you can't catch a break! 
  • More time, that prioritize your needs and aligns with your lifestyle. You've already made significant sacrifices!

Right Now, You Want:


  • You just want to be free from the symptoms that are holding you back, reclaiming yourself so you can confidently move through the world feeling in control of your life again.
  • To rest easy at night without disruption from hot flashes, maintaining a healthy balance in your hormones while caring for your loved ones for optimal wellbeing.
  • Have more energy to complete tasks throughout the day or spending time with family and friends without feeling weighed down by stress or anxiety.    

"It means reclaiming yourself so you can confidently move through the world feeling in control of your life again".


How do I know you feel like this? Because I’ve been through it myself!

For me, menopause hit hard and I was desperate for some relief. After exhausting my options with natural remedies to no avail, I realized something had to give or this mid-life transition would be unbearable. 

One night I woke up soaking wet. I didn't know what happened. Honestly, I thought my husband urinated in bed {don't tell him I said that ;) } This went on for months and then all of a sudden someone turned up the heat.

My mid-life transition has been anything but easy. Intense hot flashes during the day was worse because by the time I took off my sweater or would stop. I lost so much sleep at night because of my disruptive hot flashes coupled with caring for my mother-in-law. Desperate for relief - only to be met with disappointments in therapies. 

I began researching online and reading up on different lifestyle techniques for menopause symptoms such as yoga, meditation and plant based cuisines. While these all seemed promising, I really wanted something that provided more than just symptom management - something that could help me balance out my hormones and get my body back into its natural rhythm so I could feel more like myself again. It felt like my body and mind were fighting against me every step of the way, leaving me drained and defeated. 


"I couldn’t take it anymore. So what did I do?"

"I tried doing things differently and the results were incredible!”


I tried to find solutions every way I knew how. Eating a paleo diet, going gluten-free, taking numerous supplements – you name it, I tried it! But nothing seemed to help with my hot flashes and lack of energy. It was incredibly draining both physically and financially – all those groceries, cookbooks, supplements and over-the-counter medications added up quickly! 

I even sought out advice from various specialists: endocrinologists, naturopaths, nutritionists, etc., hoping they could take away my menopausal symptoms. But I realized it was a temporary fix even though they had some helpful recommendations. 

While you wish you could just take a bullet proof pill to make the pain go away, you've already tried that and it caused a host of potential side effects including an increased risk of cancer, stroke, heart attack, gall bladder disease and more. You know it's not worth the risk! 

I'm now managing my hot flashes, balancing my hormones and enjoying restful sleep, all without having to rely on prescription medications. I'm back to feeling like me again, with the added bonus of an improved sense of wellbeing and energy. I am doing it with my 93 yr old mother-in-law who has dementia.

What I absolutely love most... 


Helping women like you kick those hot-flashes to the curb, manage your menopause symptoms more effectively, and balance your burnout so that you can start feeling like yourself again.  

Ohh my dear friend, I'm ready to guide you every step of the way! 

I'm passionate about empowering women like you in menopause by providing you with proven strategies and cutting-edge techniques to overcome your most persistent symptoms: such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability, fatigue and more. By the end of this program you''ll move through life with the know how to easily move through your life's stressors, manage your menopausal symptoms, reduce caregiving burnout so that you can get back to feeling like your chic self. I'm here for you throughout this journey: let's make it an uplifting experience so you feel reenergized and like yourself again!

It's all so BIG and OVERWHELMING

I know you could just do it all yourself but you don't have the time or money to waste on trial-and-error methods or ineffective products. You need an effective and proven solution to get rid of your hot flashes, manage your menopause, and balance your burnout so you can start feeling like yourself again now.

I'm here to hold your hand, help you take control of your menopause, take back your power and guide you to managing stress levels, so you can balance your hormones.

Everything is included in this comprehensive program - from the best supplements for your body, grocery shopping lists, LIVE chef guided cooking classes and meal plans tailored for menopause health needs, detailed gourmet recipes for meals that provide relief from hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause, video showing you meditation techniques it's all here. 

PAUSE Menopause

~ Awakening The Woman Within ~


This course is for you if:

  • You are a woman in her 40's who is feeling frustrated dealing with hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, disrupted sleep or other symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause.
  • You've been searching for a holistic approach to manage your menopausal symptoms without resorting to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
  • You want to minimize how you deal with stress as a caregiver to your aging parent so you can get back to feeling like yourself again not burnedout.
  • You want simple but effective strategies that help you create balance in mind and body so you can feel confident and energized during this stage of life.
  • You're a successful 50ish year-old woman, who needs help managing the emotional chaos that goes with caring for your aging parent/s. 

I'm giving myself permission!   


Coaching 1:1 What’s included for you: 


  • 4 detailed video modules covering the topics of calming the heat of hot flashes, menopause management, burnout relief, and getting back to feeling like you again.
  • 3 downloadable PDF guides with step-by-step instructions for managing common symptoms associated with menopause and burnout.

  • 6 interactive videos on stress and self-care strategies to support your holistic approach of meditation, visualization, yoga in the workplace, and using Imagery to make the most out of your new lifestyle changes.

  • Personalized guidebook containing information about nutrition, exercise and other self-care practices tailored to your individual needs.

  • Six 1:1 bi-weekly coaching sessions over Zoom to guide you in creating a personalized plan for achieving better health and wellbeing during this time in your life.

  • 3 guided interactive cooking classes that includes elegant plant-based cuisine, eating well during menopause doesn't have to be boring or a chore; it can be a pleasurable experience!

This 1:1 program isn’t for you if:

  • You’re not committed to making changes in order to better manage your menopause symptoms
  • You don’t have the time or energy to put in the necessary effort during our program in order to receive lasting results. 
  • You are unable to attend our live coaching calls, watch the videos, complete the workbook activities and apply what you learn in order to get results from it. If you don't think you can commit to doing these things in order for this program to help you, then please consider trying something else.
  • You don’t have access to an internet connection or smartphone/computer.
  • You are not willing to invest of your time and energy, not willing to put in the work, it can truly be life changing.
  • Additionally, this program is not right for those who are currently suffering from any severe health conditions without consulting a doctor first.
  • Our program is also not suitable for those who are looking for a quick fix solution or expecting instantaneous results without any effort on their part; it’s a long term approach that will provide lasting relief from your menopausal symptoms when followed correctly.

    **Disclosure: This course may not be suitable if you have severe health conditions or medical conditions that require special attention. Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns before enrolling in this program. 

Join me in PAUSE Menopause™ 

~ AWAKENING Your Inner Chic Woman ~ 

Here's everything you get 

  • Nourish yourself well and discover a vibrant, flavorful world of nourishment as we introduce you to a new way of eating real foods. Master healthy eating choices, and effortlessly incorporate an array of plant-based delights into your diet.
  • Unlock the art of efficient meal planning, reducing time spent at the grocery store. Then embrace and elevate your culinary creations using the art of pre-preparation techniques, curate an exciting and diverse menu just like a top chef with a touch of sophistication.  
  • Discover the power to prioritize and organize yourself on a deeper level, embracing guilt-free living with a touch of sophistication.
  • Unleash your inner passions and hobbies, carving out dedicated time for self-care pursuits that ignite joy, revitalize your energy, and unleash your true potential from your hearts treasures.  
  • Embrace the benefits of personalized herbal supplements, vitamins, and minerals, harmoniously tailored to your unique lifestyle and body balancing the stressors of menopausal symptoms while caring for an aging parent.

Want to know what’s in the 1-on-1 course? 


Module #1: Gain Clarity 

Introduction to Eating Real Food 


Nourish yourself well and discover a vibrant, flavorful world of nourishment as we introduce you to a new way of eating real foods, mastering healthy choices, and effortlessly incorporating plant-based delights into your diet.

- Intro to Eating Real Food – learn about basic nutrition principles such as macronutrient balance, portion control, drinking enough water, and making meal planning easier. How to shop for healthy food options and practice mindful eating habits.

- You will also explore new recipes that incorporate healthier ingredients such as fresh vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and heart-healthy fats. In addition to the nutritional benefits of these meals, they will also provide flavor and variety that can keep your taste buds satisfied while on this journey.

- Discover your Unique Biochemical Individuality (UBI) to uncover what supplements you should be taking for your body specifically, review what you currently take and have access to an extensive supplement questionnaire that can help you determine which vitamins and minerals may be lacking in your diet. 

By the end of the month, you'll have a deeper understanding of how nutrition can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Module #2: Feel Empowered 

Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes For Improved Health


Balance your burnout & get rid of hot-flashes while you discover new dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to support healthy hormone balance and enjoy dining in as a uxury experience.

- Gain a deeper understanding of food as it relates to their menopausal symptoms and overall wellbeing. And how to create meals from a place of excitment that are both delicious and nourishing while also finding joy in your eating habits.

You'll learn about how proper food combining principles actually work, the benefits to your body, why food pairing is important for overall wellbeing with a focus on setting a mindful table.

- You'll also explore dining as an experience rather than solely a means of nutrition as well as learn techniques for setting the perfect table.

- Discover how to select nutrient dense foods that support hormone health, boost energy levels, and encourage detoxification pathways.

Lastly, there will be an opportunity to review your supplement questionnaire to determine which supplements are best suited for your needs during menopause.

Module #3: Live Well

Herbs & Supplements 


Embark on a journey of botanical wonders as we reveal the most potent herbs for menopause relief, transforming your wellness experience with nature's finest remedies. 

- In this module, we'll look at mindful modalities of breath work, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and meditation to help calm your hormones to restore balance to your mood and stress levels.

-Enjoy real-life tangible tips for remembering to take beneficial herbs and supplements that can help reduce the intensity of symptoms and support balanced hormones.  

 - We'll discuss other nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin B6 which may be beneficial during this period in a woman's life. You'll get coaching on proper dosage instructions as well as any potential side effects of taking certain supplements or combinations of supplements together.

- Experience a journey crafted exclusively for you, delve into the world of neuroasthetics and mindful living. Discover the power of personalized art therapies and embrace a path that will support your well-being during this transformative time.

Unleash the potential to restore hormone balance and unlock a harmonious life that you truly deserve.

Module #4: Empowerment

Self-Care on a Deeper Level


Unearth the secrets to revitalized well-being as we guide you through transformative self-care practices and holistic approaches, beyond massage, to gracefully manage your menopause symptoms

- Learn strategies tips on how to cultivate self-compassion, gratitude and resilience which are essential components for stress management.

- We will focus on mindful techniques such as guided relaxation, breathwork, guided visualizations, and self-reflection. 

- Exploration to of ignite your creative side to infuse new hobbies that bring joy and pleasure, setting boundaries in relationships and improving communication skills. 

- You'll be provided with tools to identify your values and take action towards living authentically from those core values to bring balance back into your life. 

- Mini-accountability sessions designed to provide personalized support and guidance as you transition through your menopausal journey.

- Mindful meditation to guide you in setting elegant rituals, goals for yourself, and building habits necessary to stay on track with your physical and mental health. 

Module #5: Support

Community + Friendship Building + Chic Dinner Party 


Through our chic dinner parties we offer an opportunity for a deeper bond with your fellow comrades while enjoying delicious food!

- Uncover simple lifestyle changes you can make to help improve your overall health during menopause while developing relationships with our community of women who have gone through similar experiences.

- Milan, a gourmet chef & wellness coach, will help curate your entire special event providing seasonal menu options, recipes and wine pairings curated just for this special occasion. Or have fun with your best girls with a virtual wine tasting class

- In this module we dive deep into forging real relationships with other women who can relate directly to your experience during menopause. 

Module #6: Holistic Approach

Creating A Sustainable Plan


This is a great opportunity of recapto learn more about menopause so you can live life feeling empowered and confident!  

– You will gain an understanding of how to create a sustainable plan for managing your menopausal symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes. 

You will learn about relaxation techniques that can help reduce stress and anxiety as well as natural remedies & strategies that can help balance your hormones.

– Mindfulness practices for stress management, gain knowledge about recognizing the early signs of menopause so that you can manage it more effectively in the future. 

In this final week you will by taking what you have learned during this 6-month journey, you can make meaningful progress towards a healthier life by reviewing your successes and challenges from your journey. During the sixth month of this program, you will also focus on integrating all the skills you have learned from modules 1–5 into a comprehensive wellness plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.  


 A library of topics covering relaxation, nutrition advice, and lifestyle tips.

  • Videos on natural remedies and lifestyle changes to manage hot flashes in a healthy way. 
  • Ebooks and PDFs containing valuable information on hormone balance, diet, nutrition, and more. 
  • Audio Recordings on stress management techniques designed specifically for menopausal women 
  • Exclusive private space for clients where you can ask questions and receive unlimited access and support from your coach.

There IS a better way, and that’s MY way

You may have read this far and are wondering to yourself, "I want to invest in this program and get rid of my hot-flashes, manage my menopause, and balance my caregiver burnout...but I just can't do it."  understand that hesitation. You've been feeling uncomfortable for so long, it's hard to believe that a better way exists.

But here's the thing: you do have a choice. You can choose to do nothing and continue feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and without any sense of control over your hormones OR you can invest in the solution we're offering and finally get back to feeling like yourself again!

Maybe you're afraid of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and out of control during menopause. Maybe you're scared that your hot flashes will never go away and you'll be stuck dealing with them for the rest of your life. Or maybe you’re simply worried that nothing will ever make you feel like yourself again. I understand these fears - I felt them too! But luckily, there are steps you can take to help manage your symptoms and get back to feeling better. With the right plan, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies, you can regain control over your body and find relief from menopausal symptoms.

Personally as woman in her forties moving into 50, I was afraid of the transition into menopause and all it signified. What this fear was really about was the unknown and feeling like I had no control over my body anymore. I was scared that it would be too uncomfortable to manage, that I wouldn't be able to do any of the things I loved doing, and that no one around me would understand what I was going through. With that fear looming in my mind, it seemed like no matter how hard I tried, nothing could prepare me for this new chapter of life. But with some research and guidance from experts, I learned that there were ways to ease into menopause by making lifestyle changes such as improving my diet, getting more sleep, and exercising regularly. By taking these steps, I was pleasantly surprised to find that hot flashes weren't as oppressive as they seemed and that managing my menopause wasn't so difficult after all.

I want you to think about & focus on this one thing:

As you navigate the transitions of menopause, it's vitally important to make your wellbeing a priority, so that you can reclaim your energy, joy, and confidence.

  1. What if you didn't focus on your symptoms but used menopause as an opportunity to get to know your body better?
  2. What if you didn't focus on how you are getting older but could use this time of transition as a chance to focus on self-care and reinvention?
  3. What if you didn't focus on your stress but instead took control of your burnout and rediscovered your energy and enthusiasm you once felt?

What if your future self could manage your menopause symptoms and hot flashes without resorting to medication or invasive treatments? Imagine what it would feel like to have the energy, strength, and emotional balance you need to take control of your life and make positive changes. With the right guidance and support, you can achieve lasting relief from those pesky hot flashes and find balance again so that you can get back to feeling like yourself again. The journey starts now!  

I know it can be difficult to make a change, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed with all the different opinions out there. But I can promise you this: If you don't try something new, nothing will change. 

So if this program feels like the step in the right direction and something that could help you in achieving balance and a sense of wellbeing again, then I invite you to join me on this chic journey and see what amazing things may come of it. Join now and feel empowered in taking control of your own health!

A NOTE FROM MILAN your menopause coach:  

Get Started in PAUSE Menopause™ 

~ AWAKENING Your Inner Chic Woman ~ 

Ready To Sign Up?

Benefit #1: Six private 1-on-1 coaching sessions designed to help you take control and manage your menopause journey without the added stress.

Benefit #2: Enjoy lifetime access to the program, so you can come back any time and use the resources whenever you need to.

Benefit #3: Six video modules to help you understand your body, mind, and emotions during this transition time. 

Benefit #4: Access to our online community with support from fellow women on their menopause journey. 

Benefit #5: A one-on-one initial 45 minute coaching session with a certified health coach to create a personalized plan of action tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Benefit #6: A workbook full of activities, worksheets and exercises to help you process your experiences. 


If you're ready to take the next step and are looking for more personalized  support on your journey to managing menopause, I'm here to help.

I invite you to schedule a free consultation call with me so that we can discuss your needs and how I can best serve you. Or, if you prefer, feel free to reach out to me via email or social media — whatever works best for you! I'm here if you need me and if you have any other questions.