Why I Eat Like A French Women In Menopause - Secrets of My Plate
Dec 14, 2021I eat like a French woman because I want to be healthy.
So, when you see my plate, it's never boring and at the most "unhealthy" will have an abundance of vegetables. And for this reason, I am very calm in my 50s – it's a privilege – and because I feel good!
What a bonus!
When I eat I make sure that my plate has a lot of colors: red, dark green, yellow, orange - from fruit and vegetables. My goal is not to deprive myself but rather to be responsible for my health. I do enjoy a glass of red wine but, I also drink a lot of water and tea.
I'm in control of my health – and that feels good!
When you think of French women, what comes to mind?
Class, style, and a sense of culinary sophistication or awareness, right?
But what you may not know is that French women have a few secrets up their proverbial sleeves when it comes to staying healthy – especially during menopause.
When it comes to menopause, French women have a bit of an edge.
In France, the food is always a big deal.
There's even an expression they have for it—
"Mangez pour vivre, pas pour survivre" which translates to "Eat to live, not to survive."
While this may seem like a bit of an exaggeration, the French really do take their food seriously. And one of the things that sets their cuisine apart from other countries is the way they eat.
The typical French way of eating
When I was in culinary school and studying classical cuisine I asked myself? "
What is the typical French way of eating?"
I'm sure you may be wondering too.
Well, contrary to popular belief, the average Frenchman or woman does not eat baguettes and cheese every day.
In fact, their diet is quite similar to that of Americans. So what sets the French cuisine apart?
Read on to find out.
While menopause can be a difficult time for many women, French women seem to have found a way to make the best of it – and one of the reasons may be their diet.
If you're looking for ways to add a bit of la vie Française to your own table, here are a few tips to get you started.
- The typical French diet is high in fibrous fruits and vegetables, which means that French women are getting plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, whole grains, low-fat proteins, healthy fats and minerals. This is important during menopause, when hormone fluctuations can lead to constipation. and when many women experience a number of symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes.
- They tend to take their time with mealtimes, savoring each bite and enjoying good conversation with friends and family. They also focus on using healthy ingredients in delicious dishes that are simple to prepare.
- The French don't just sit down to a three-course meal with a bottle of red wine. In fact, their approach to food is much more nuanced than that. A moderate amount of alcohol consumed by French women may also be beneficial during menopause. Some research has shown that light to moderate alcohol consumption can help to protect against heart disease, which is a common concern for women in menopause.
- In France, the typical way of eating is to enjoy small, appetizer-sized courses throughout the day.
How much do French women eat during menopause
Typically French women eat what they want and when they want. They eat a lot of bread and drink a lot of wine. And that is why menopausal French women do not have menopausal hot flashes or night sweats because their diet has high enough level of nutrients to ward off these menopause symptoms.
National French menopause survey reveals surprising results: menopausal women in France found that those who had menopausal symptom like hot flashes and night sweats were not the ones eating a French varied diet.
In fact, these menopausal symptoms were much more common in menopausal women who ate a typical North American-style diet with lots of processed foods, meat and empty calories from soda. At this time in a woman's life , it's essential to have a varied menopausal diet so your body gets the nutrients it needs.
Menopause is not easy, especially if you're going through it alone.
Menopausal French women do not have menopausal symptoms because they follow a menopausal diet that is balanced and varied. A menopausal diet should be menopause-friendly so your body gets the nutrients it needs.
The French diet and how it benefits women in menopause
There is a stereotype about menopause, especially in the US.
"I was always led to believe menopausal women with hot flashes are whiners who complain all the time."
There's another myth that peri-menopausal women can digest anything they want because it's their last chance before menopause. I do not agree on these statements at all!
Just because I am perimenopausal, doesn't mean I should let my health go. In fact, quite the opposite. I should be even more careful about what I eat and how I treat my body.
For this reason, I have been eating like a French woman.
I'm not saying that menopausal women shouldn't eat what they want. But menopausal women shouldn't think they can eat everything because it's menopause ... It's not true at all!
I do not deprive myself, but I'm not stupid to eat everything.
For me that means going to bed without pain, reduced night sweats or hot flashes.
Difference between menopausal French women and American women?
It all comes down to diet!
In menopause, it is essential to have a varied menopausal diet so your body gets the nutrients it needs.
So menopausal French women don't have menopausal symptoms because they follow a menopausal diet that is balanced and varied.
A menopausal diet should be menopause-friendly so your body gets the nutrients it needs.
So, if you're menopausal and want to avoid menopausal symptoms, follow a menopausal French woman's diet and you'll be just fine!
If you're looking for ways to make menopause a little easier, consider adopting some of the eating habits of French women.
Wellness during menopausal years is a journey not a destination
So menopausal French women don't have menopausal symptoms because they follow a menopausal diet that is balanced and varied. If you're menopausal and want to avoid menopausal symptoms, follow a menopausal French woman's diet and you'll be just fine!
Eating like a French woman is not only good for menopause, but also is an easy way to lose weight without making too many changes.
So if you're looking for ways to make menopause a little easier, consider adopting some of the eating habits of French women. You may find that you feel better – not to mention that you'll be doing your body a lot of good.
What is the typical French way of eating? It's all about taking your time and enjoying every bite.
I challenge you: to eat like a French women for one week.
If you want to learn how to pull this off join my gourmet 8-week Chic Cooking Academy to learn to cook like French Women as you go through perimenopause or menopause. It’s never too late to eat healthier and more gourmet, eating well is a lifestyle. This virtual cooking course kicks off next month. See you in class!
Bon appétit!